Thursday, March 5, 2009

Molly Milwaukee


Have you heard the news? The Bachelor scandal has hit the airwaves from the front page of Yahoo to the corridors at Kohl's corporate where Molly works.

The Journal-Sentinel has this to write, "First off, Molly Malaney hasn't quit her Milwaukee job and isn't moving to Seattle anytime soon to start a new life with "The Bachelor," despite rumors to the contrary.

And the 24-year-old Malaney is adamant that this week's conclusion to the latest run of ABC's "reality" romance fantasy wasn't fixed.

Malaney has heard the stories about how the ending - Jason Mesnick at first picked former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Melissa Rycroft, proposed to her and then came back to Malaney - followed a script.

"Nothing about the show is scripted, and there was nothing about the ending that was planned," she tells Inside TV & Radio. "All of that stuff is false.

"There are real feelings involved, and Jason was just trying to follow his heart. Unfortunately, people are not happy about that."

So what do you think?